Wednesday, 21 March 2012


Today's prompt made me think of so many routine sights especially in the morning. The first was the first morning cup of tea for DH and myself and the VitC and echinacea tablet that I am taking to try and stop me having DH's stinking cold LOL!!
Then I took the tea upstairs to our bedroom and realised that everyday I take 6 tablets together for thyroid, BP, knee and neck pain !! Here is my weekly container and please note, I forgot to take my tabs yesterday (Tuesday!!)

Then of course the everyday sight since 6th February has been dehumidifiers trying to dry out the water which was in the walls and skirting (the skirting was removed 2 weeks ago).

The 2 industrial dehumidifiers from Chem Dry have finally gone this morning and we have switched the other 2 off now as they seem to be sucking up moisture from under the concrete floors. Thank goodness as they were so noisy and I am about to find out what the cost has been for electricity!!


  1. Glad the machines have at long last done there job and been switched off, you will be aware of pins dropping now ;D

  2. It looks like your "new" home will soon be up and running

  3. That first morning cuppa has to be the best of the day. I don't take any daily medication, but DH makes up for it; he needs two pillboxes!
