Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Day 221 - HOPE

Whilst I am still online and the computer is being faithful for me :) I have decided to blog now and maybe add some photos and more blogging later
I hope that team GB do well today in any finals we are in, not sure until I put the TV on what we are going to watch today, I think there was a race about an hour ago?
my photo for HOPE today is that our weather improves. here is the murky view in the distance from our patio at the moment :(It is supposed to be sunny and warm later? We shall see!!


  1. hope you do get the sun and warmth, we have first thing, but its starting to look a little dull now.

  2. We do have exactly the same Hope Lynne, lol ! xxx

  3. Hope that you had our sunny weather this afternoon. It was overcast this morning but it didn't last long.

  4. Hope you eventually got the lovely weather we have had today

  5. Ah the weather, but if we had too much sun we would be hoping for rain!!!

  6. We always have hope about the weather :) xx
