Wednesday 29 January 2014

29th January - Sky View

A good job I took this yesterday as today the sky is just grey and dark and pouring with rain! Definitely a home afternoon
WED - Sky View this week. Yes very moody sky and lots of rain too. This photo was taken at 9.30am!
I am leading our housegroup study tonight on Symbols of the Holy Spirit, So the afternoon planning this first and then continuing gutting the spare bedroom book ready to clear a wall! We chose the paint this morning and looked in Dunelm at bedlinen too!


  1. Sometimes I think the sky is talking to us, these pictures we have been taking certainly show character! (Ref your comment ..My kitchen looks out to the works yard, which isn't picturesque but at least it will get summer evening sun which is what I missed.. xx)

  2. Your study group sounds interesting.

  3. Beautiful sky. I can't wait to see your finished product (spare room). I think your class sounds very interesting.

  4. Abolutely love the dramatic sky. My photo (taken today =Thursday) will be all grey as it is snowing heavily.

  5. Yes, yes - here is always interesting.
    You know how to challenge our curiosity.
    Thank you!
