Monday 25 June 2012

Day 177 - SIZZLING

Today's word I got as I set off to Sainsbury for the shopping, forgot my camera but had my phone (which I am starting to us more but it gives me long thin photos??)
So immediately I start thinking.... sizzling hot, food, BBQ's, summers, fires fireworks, geysers and bubbling mud and hot springs
I then come home and sit down after dinner with the dictionary bet Anne looked this up today!!
SIZZLE - spluttering sound as of frying; state of great heat or excitement or marked effectiveness hence sizzling hot
So I was on the right lines but a photo, didn't want to search for photos from the past again and I have them all!!
Fortunately I took these photos in the supermarket of dresses waiting for a sizzling summer..WHEN?

I have to tell you when we went out at 8.30 it was very warm, sunny with clear blue skies but at lunchtime the sea breeze had arrived along with the clouds and it isn't so warm outside! Peter is taking the last brick off the wall as I type and then he has to try and sand off the adhesive the rest of the week, plaster the holes and gosh we have 1 big hole to the outside which was covered by a tile LOL!! Will show you it tomorrow!


  1. Beautiful dresses, Lynne. We are also wondering when summer will be, though today was fine ! xx

  2. I love maxi dresses, just need more days to wear them! Thanks for your notes, sounds like you are an old hand at all this blogging lark.. I administrate for a blog for my scrap group but it is pretty quiet on there, only a few of us chat now and then.. maybe we should have a group blog and weekly challenge pic or something, so we all do something but maybe not every day.. I think some may feel 365 is a big ask! Jen and Anne sound keen, so I'd love to do something.. we all seem to know each other! Yes to a meet too sometime.. you're in Hastings?

  3. I want a summer dress this year- might treat myself!

    We must be due a sizzling summer sooN!

  4. What great colours and you are brave taking photos in shops I can't pluck up the courage.

  5. Peter is keeping himself very busy isnt he. Good pictures of the summer clothes....we will get a summer! :)

  6. These lovely dresses are waiting for you, dear ladies - to make summer really SIZZLING!
    Excellent shot!
    / Leave a dress for me, please! /
